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{{day.Date| amDateFormat : "dddd, DD MMMM YYYY"}} | Time |
Plenary Session - S{{prog.Number}} - Meeting No. {{prog.Number}} - {{prog.EventDate | amDateFormat : 'DD-MMM-YYYY hh:mm a'}} - {{prog.EventDate | amDateFormat : 'DD-MMM-YYYY'}} (Xandira Diretta) (Live) (Ripetizzjoni) (Repeat) - {{day.Date | amDateFormat : 'DD MMM YYYY'}} (Xandira Diretta) (Live) (Ripetizzjoni) (Repeat) | {{prog.Time | amDateFormat: 'hh:mm a' }} |
No programmes found
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{{day.Date| amDateFormat : "dddd, DD MMMM YYYY"}} | Time |
Plenary Session - S{{prog.Number}} - Meeting No. {{prog.Number}} - {{prog.EventDate | amDateFormat : 'DD-MMM-YYYY hh:mm a'}} - {{prog.EventDate | amDateFormat : 'DD-MMM-YYYY'}} (Xandira Diretta) (Live) (Ripetizzjoni) (Repeat) - {{day.Date | amDateFormat : 'DD MMM YYYY'}} (Xandira Diretta) (Live) (Ripetizzjoni) (Repeat) | {{prog.Time | amDateFormat: 'hh:mm a' }} |
No programmes found