Bill No. 1 - The Commissioner for Children Bill
- 1st Reading
Bill No. 2 -
Internal Audit and Financial Investigations Bill
Bill No. 1 -
The Commissioner for Children Bill
Bill No. 3 -
Civil Code (Amendment) Bill
Bill No. 4 -
European Union Bill
Bill No. 5 -
European Parliament Elections Bill
Bill No. 6 -
Malta Enterprise Bill
Bill No. 8 -
Value Added Tax (Amendt) Bill
Bill No. 9 -
Social Work Profession Bill
Bill No. 10 -
Social Security (Amendment) Bill
Bill No. 11 -
Public Health Bill
Bill No. 12 -
Accountancy Profession (Amendment) Bill
Bill No. 13 -
Health Care Professions Bill
Bill No. 16 -
Central Registry Bill
Bill No. 46 -
Arms Bill
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No. {{pl.Number}} {{pl|titleFilter:lang}}
Tenth Legislature (2003 - 2008)