Motion No. 79 - Motion that the House do Resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the General Estimates 2014
General Estimates 2014
Committee of Supply
1. Ministry for Finance
Vote 37 - Ministry for Finance
Vote 38 - Treasury
Vote 39 - Pensions
Vote 41 - Inland Revenue
Vote 42 - V.A.T
Vote 43 - Customs
Vote 44 - Contracts
Vote 45 - Economic Policy
Vote XIV - Ministry for Finance
2. Ministry for Education and Employment - Division
3. Ministry for Foreign Affairs - Division
4. Appropriation 2014 - All Stages
5. Supplimentary Estimates 2013 - All Stages
Motion No. 79 - Motion that the House do Resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the General Estimates 2014
- ORDERS OF THE DAY General Estimates 2014 Committee of Supply 1. Ministry for Finance Vote 37 - Ministry for Finance Vote 38 - Treasury Vote 39 - Pensions Vote 41 - Inland Revenue Vote 42 - V.A.T Vote 43 - Customs Vote 44 - Contracts Vote 45 - Economic Policy Vote XIV - Ministry for Finance 2. Ministry for Education and Employment - Division 3. Ministry for Foreign Affairs - Division 4. Appropriation 2014 - All Stages 5. Supplimentary Estimates 2013 - All Stages
Hon. Kristy Debono MP
Bill No. 28 -
Appropriation (2014) Bill
Bill No. 29 -
Second Appropriation (2013) Bill
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No. {{pl.Number}} {{pl|titleFilter:lang}}
Twelfth Legislature (2013 - 2017)