Motion No. 171 -
Motion that the House do Resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the General Estimates 2015
1. General Estimates 2015 - Committee of Supply
Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security
Vote 22 - Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security
Vote 23 - Armed Forces of Malta
Vote 24 - Police
Vote 25 - Correctional Services
Vote 26 - Probation and Parole
Vote 27 - Civil Protection
Vote XI - Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security - Capital
2. Ministry for Gozo - Divisions
3. Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change - Divisions
4. Ministry for Transport and Infrasctructure - Divisions
5. Ministry for European Affairs and the Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto - Divisions
Motion No. 171 - Motion that the House do Resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the General Estimates 2015
- 1. General Estimates 2015 - Committee of Supply Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security Vote 22 - Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security Vote 23 - Armed Forces of Malta Vote 24 - Police Vote 25 - Correctional Services Vote 26 - Probation and Parole Vote 27 - Civil Protection Vote XI - Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security - Capital 2. Ministry for Gozo - Divisions 3. Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change - Divisions 4. Ministry for Transport and Infrasctructure - Divisions 5. Ministry for European Affairs and the Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto - Divisions
Hon. Jason Azzopardi MP
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No. {{pl.Number}} {{pl|titleFilter:lang}}
Twelfth Legislature (2013 - 2017)