Motion No. 261 - Bill to amend various laws and subsidiary legislation in conformity with the devolution of certain ministerial powers to various entities
- First Reading
Motion No. 262 - Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (Enforcement Powers) Bill
- First Reading
Motion No. 263 - National Interest (Enabling Powers) (Amendment) Bill
- First Reading
Motion No. 264 - Re-Use Of Public Sector Information (Amendment) Bill
- First Reading
Motion No. 265 - Criminal Code (Amendment) Bill
- First Reading
Bill No. 101 -
Devolution of Certain Ministerial Powers Bill
Bill No. 106 -
Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (Enforcement Powers) Bill
Bill No. 104 -
National Interest (Enabling Powers) (Amendment) Bill
Bill No. 100 -
Re-Use of Public Sector Information (Amendment) Bill
Bill No. 93 -
Further and Higher Education Bill
Hon. Evarist Bartolo MP
No. 33 - Ruling delivered by the Speaker on the pecuniary interest of Members of Parliament
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No. {{pl.Number}} {{pl|titleFilter:lang}}
Thirteenth Legislature (2017 - 2022)