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Bill No. 66
Amendment of Various Laws (Airport Services ) Bill Back to List

Eighth Legislature (1996 - 1998)

Debated in 1st Reading 2nd Reading Committee Recommittal 3rd Reading
Sitting No. 212  -  04 May 1998
Plenary Session

Objects and Reasons

The object of the Bill is to amend the Malta Armed Forces Act, Cap. 220, and the Industrial Relations Act, Cap. 266, in order to safeguard the pensions of certain military personnel belonging to units of the Armed Forces of Malta who take up full employment with Malta International Airport p.l.c. upon the disbandment of the units, as well as to safeguard the continued operation of such services upon the taking up of certain essential services at the airport by civilian personnel.

Motion No. 133 - Amendment of Various Laws (Airport Services) Bill


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