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Parliamentary Dimension of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

From January to June 2017, Malta will hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union. As from 1 January 2016, the Republic of Malta, together with the Kingdom of The Netherlands and the Slovak Republic, form the so-called “Trio” for the duration of 18 months. The Trio, based on the principle of rotation, ensures continuity and consistency in the work of the Council of the EU. The Trio defines a general agenda and implements a joint programme, while each of its members, in a predetermined order, presides over the Council of the EU for a period of six months.

In recent years national parliaments have gained growing relevance in the European decision making structure, not least since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, which has at times been referred to as ‘the Treaty of national parliaments’ due to the new powers it grants to these institutions.

This growing relevance of national parliaments and their EU dimension has also been reflected in a strengthening of the parliamentary dimension of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, including the setting up of new inter-parliamentary conferences and also existing conferences with the adoption of relevant rules of procedure. In addition to the meetings that have come to be organised by every Presidency, the Maltese Parliament will be organising a number of other meetings of Chairpersons of parliamentary committees.

Furthermore, the Maltese Parliament will also host a number of incoming visits. The aim of these visits is to discuss Malta’s priorities during the Presidency of the Council with the law-makers of the country.

Further information on the activities of the parliamentary dimension of the Maltese Presidency can be found at


Minn Jannar sa Ġunju 2017, Malta se jkollha f’idejha l-Presidenza b’rotazzjoni tal-Kunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea, biex b’hekk issir membru tal-hekk imsejjaħ Triju ta’ Presidenzi  (1 ta’ Jannar 2016 – 30 ta’ Ġunju 2017) kompost mir-Renju tan-Netherlands, ir-Repubblika Slovakka u r-Repubblika ta’ Malta. It-Triju, ibbażat fuq il-prinċipju tar-rotazzjoni, jiżgura l-kontinwità u l-konsistenza f’ħidmet il-Kunsill tal-UE. It-Triju joħloq aġenda ġenerali u jimplimenta programm konġunt, waqt li kull membru, f’ordni predeterminata, tippresiedi fuq il-Kunsill tal-UE għal perjodu ta’ sitt xhur.

Dawn l-aħħar snin, il-parlamenti nazzjonali kisbu relevanza li dejjem tikber fl-istruttura Ewropea tat-teħid ta’ deċiżjonijiet, xejn inqas sa minn meta daħal fis-seħħ it-Trattat ta’ Liżbona, li xi drabi jiġi msejjaħ 'It-Trattat tal-Parlamenti Nazzjonali' minħabba s-setgħat ġodda li tagħti lil dawn l-istituzzjonijiet.

Din ir-relevenza li dejjem tikber ta’ parlamenti nazzjonali u d-dimensjoni Ewropea tagħhom ġiet riflessa wkoll fit-tisħiħ tad-dimensjoni parlamentari tal-Presidenza tal-Kunsill, inkluż fit-twaqqif ta’ konferenzi interparlamentari ġodda u wkoll fil-formalizzazzjoni ta’ konferenzi diġà eżistenti bl-adozzjoni ta’ regoli ta’ proċedura relevanti. Barra l-laqgħat organizzati minn kull Presidenza, il-Parlament Malti se jkun qed jorganizza numru ta’ laqgħat oħrajn tal-Presidenti tal-kumitati parlamentari.

Barra minn hekk, il-Parlament Malti ser jospita wkoll numru ta’ żjarat li se jsiru hawn Malta. L-għan ta’ dawn iż-żjarat huwa li jiġu diskussi l-prijoritajiet ta’ Malta waqt il-Presidenza tal-Kunsill tal-UE mal-leġiżlaturi tal-pajjiż.

Aktar informazzjoni dwar id-dimensjoni parlamentari tal-Presidenza Maltija tinstab fuq