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Bill No. 81
Electoral Laws (Amendment) Bill Back to List

Thirteenth Legislature (2017 - 2022)

Debated in 1st Reading 2nd Reading Committee Recommittal 3rd Reading
Sitting No. 213  -  01 Apr 2019
Plenary Session
Sitting No. 215  -  03 Apr 2019
Plenary Session
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Objects and Reasons

The objects and reasons of this Bill are to make provision for the use of an Electronic Ballot Counting System, to enable deregistration of voters who are no longer qualified as such from the Local Councils’ and the European Union electoral registers; to publish the electoral registers in an electronic format; to have a practicable duration of days for the receipt of candidates’ nominations; to make online nominations possible; to change the format of the ballot paper to include the photographic image of candidates and this in a uniform manner for all elections; and to provide for the event where a candidate dies after the ballot papers have been printed.

Motion No. 229 - Electoral Laws (Amendment) Bill

Act No. XI of 2019 - Electoral Laws (Amendment) Act


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