Motion No. 039 - Transfer of Land: Land in Marsa given to Lohombus Corporation Limited
S51 - 30.09.1992 |
Motion No. 050 - Financial Estimates for the Employment and Training Corporation 1992/93
S66 - 04.11.1992 |
Motion No. 052 - Financial Estimates of the Housing Authority for 1992/93
S68 - 10.11.1992 |
Motion No. 070 - General Estimate 1993 - Procedural Motion - Budget Sittings
S85 - 15.12.1992 |
Motion No. 074 - Transfer of Land: Fort Chambray and adjacent land in the outskirts of Għajnsielem Gozo to Fort Chambray Limited
S91 - 11.01.1993 |
Motion No. 108 - Financial Estimates of Water Services Corporation 1993/94
S217 - 16.01.1994 |
Motion No. 114 - Financial Estimates of Housing Authority for 1993/94
S195 - 16.11.1993 |
Motion No. 117 - General Estimates 1994 - Motion that the House do Resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the General Estimates 1994
S211 - 16.12.1993 |
Motion No. 154 - Revocation of Legal Notice 49 of 1994 (Local Councils Association Regulations)
S264 - 16.05.1994 |
Motion No. 182 - General Estimates 1995 - Motion that the House do Resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the General Estimates 1995
S362 - 06.12.1994 |
Motion No. 261 - General Estimates 1996 - Motion that the House do Resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the General Estimates 1996
S485 - 05.12.1995 |
Motion No. 290 - Resolution on policies regarding Transfer of Land and Building acquired by the Government in lieu of Ecclesiastical Entities (Properties) Act
S569 - 23.07.1996 |