Motion No. 018 - Building Permits (Temporary Provisions) (Act 10 of 1988) (Approval of Structural Plan)
S47 - 29.07.1992 |
Motion No. 070 - General Estimate 1993 - Procedural Motion - Budget Sittings
S82 - 11.12.1992 |
Motion No. 114 - Financial Estimates of Housing Authority for 1993/94
S195 - 16.11.1993 |
Motion No. 117 - General Estimates 1994 - Motion that the House do Resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the General Estimates 1994
S208 - 11.12.1993 |
Motion No. 154 - Revocation of Legal Notice 49 of 1994 (Local Councils Association Regulations)
S264 - 16.05.1994 |
Motion No. 167 - Transfer of Land and Building in San Blas to the Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts
S417 - 03.05.1995 |
Motion No. 176 - Water Services Corporation Financial Estimates 1994/95
S344 - 22.11.1994 |
Motion No. 176 - Water Services Corporation Financial Estimates 1994/95
S345 - 22.11.1994 |
Motion No. 181 - Housing Authority Financial Estimates 1994/95
S348 - 25.11.1994 |
Motion No. 182 - General Estimates 1995 - Motion that the House do Resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the General Estimates 1995
S366 - 09.12.1994 |
Motion No. 261 - General Estimates 1996 - Motion that the House do Resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the General Estimates 1996
S484 - 05.12.1995 |
Motion No. 272 - Resolution on Special Needs for Local Councils
S538 - 13.05.1996 |