Motion No. 294 - Resolution on the Ratification of the Stability Treaty, Coordination and Governance |
Motion No. 260 - Motion on the Judiciary |
Bill No. 117 - Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Amendment) Bill - 3rd Reading
Bill No. 106 - Various Laws (Classification of Films and of Dramatic and other Stage Productions) (Amendment) Bill - 3rd Reading
Bill No. 124 - Notarial Professions and Notarial Archives (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading
Motion No. 294 - Resolution on the Ratification of the Stability Treaty, Coordination and Governance - Presented by the Minister of Finance, the Economy and Investment (cont)
Bill No. 118 - Embryo Protection Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 113 - Mental Health Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 120 - Regulation of Cohabitation Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 121 - Constitution (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 116 - Probation (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 122 - Members of the Judiciary (Pensions) Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 100 - Cultural Heritage (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 111 - Data Protection (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading
Motion No. 260 - Private Member's Motion on the Judiciary Sector submitted by Hon Franco Debono MP (cont)
Bill No. 91 - Periti (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 58 - Protection of the Whistleblower Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 96 - Central Bank of Malta (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 97 - Various Laws (Criminal Matters) Amendment Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 115 - Various Financial Services Laws Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 119 - Counselling Profession Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 123 - Legal Profession and Ancillary Matters Regulation Bill - 2nd Reading
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No. {{pl.Number}} {{pl|titleFilter:lang}}
Eleventh Legislature (2008 - 2013)