Commemoration - Former Member of Parliament Dr Albert Borg Olivier de Puget |
Motion No. 54 - Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship Bill
- First Reading
Motion No. 56 - Engineering Profession (Amendment) Bill
- First Reading
Motion No. 57 - Maltese Citizenship (Amendment No. 2) Bill
- First Reading
Motion No. 59 - General Estimates 2018 - Procedure Motion - Budget Speech
Motion No. 60 - General Estimates 2018 - Procedure Motion - Schedule of Budget
Motion No. 63 - Prevention of Money Laundering (Amendment) Bill
- First Reading
Bill No. 9 -
Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship Bill
Bill No. 16 -
Engineering Profession (Amendment) Bill
Bill No. 11 -
Maltese Citizenship (Amendment No. 2) Bill
Bill No. 10 -
Prevention of Money Laundering (Amendment) Bill
Bill No. 7 -
Competition (Amendment) Bill
Commemoration - Former Member of Parliament Dr Albert Borg Olivier de Puget
Members who took part in the debate:
Hon. Chris Fearne MP
Hon. Mario de Marco MP
Hon. Anġlu Farrugia MP
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No. {{pl.Number}} {{pl|titleFilter:lang}}
Thirteenth Legislature (2017 - 2022)