Kommemorazzjoni ta' ex Membru Parlamentari - Dr George Borg |
Bill No. 102 - Collective Proceedings Bill - 3rd Reading
Bill No. 107 - Equality for Men and Women (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 108 - Crimes Against the Environment Bill - 2nd Reading (cont)
Bill No. 101 - European Union (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading (cont)
Bill No. 106 - Various Laws (Classification of Films and of Dramatic and other Stage Productions) Amendment Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 58 - Protection of the Whistleblower Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 91 - Periti (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 93 - Civil Code (Amendment No. 2) Bill - 2nd Reading(cont)
Bill No. 96 - Central Bank of Malta (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 97 - Various Laws (Criminal Matters) Amendment Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 100 - Cultural Heritage (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 103 - Employment and Industrial Relations (Amendment) Bill - 2nd Reading
Bill No. 109 - Civil Code (Amendment No. 3) Bill - 2nd Reading
Kommemorazzjoni ta' ex Membru Parlamentari - Dr George Borg
Membri li ħadu sehem fid-dibattitu:
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Il-Ħdax-il Leġiżlatura (2008 - 2013)