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Abbozz Nru 51
Abbozz ta' Liġi dwar it-Tieni Approprjazzjoni (1997) Lura għal-Lista

It-Tmien Leġiżlatura (1996 - 1998)

Ġie diskuss L-Ewwel Qari Tieni Qari Kumitat Kunsiderazzjoni mill-ġdid fil-kumitat Tielet Qari
Seduta Nru 160  -  29 Nov 1997
Plenary Session
⦿ ⦿ ⦿ ⦿

Għanijiet u Raġunijiet

This Bill provides for the appropriation of a sum not exceeding Lm39,315,996 for the service of the Financial year 1997 to meet expenditure under the Votes specified in the First Schedule to the Bill in addition to Lm403,957,151 appropriated by the Act No. II of 1997 and for the appropriation of a further sum of Lm9 for the service of the financial year 1997 to repay an equivalent amount withdrawn from the Contingencies Fund during the financial year 1997 under the Votes specified in the Second Schedule to the Bill.

Att Nru XXVIII tal-1997 - Att dwar it-Tieni Approprjazzjoni (1997)


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