Orders of the Day
General Estimates 1998
Resolution authorizing grants from the Consolidated Fund and the Appropriation Bill Appropriation Bill (1998)
Supplementary Estimates (1998)
Resolution authorizing grants from the Consolidated Fund and the Second Appropriation Bill (1997)
Second Appropriation Bill (1997)
Abbozz Nru 50 -
Abbozz ta' Liġi dwar l-Approprjazzjoni (1998)
Abbozz Nru 51 -
Abbozz ta' Liġi dwar it-Tieni Approprjazzjoni (1997)
Kien hemm żball fl-ipproċessar tat-talba tiegħek. Dan l-iżball ġie lloggjat. Niskużaw ruħna ta’ kull inkonvenjent. Jekk il-problem tippersisti, jekk jogħġbok ipprova neħħi il-cache tal-web browser tiegħek
Nru {{pl.Number}} {{pl|titleFilter:lang}}
It-Tmien Leġiżlatura (1996 - 1998)