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Stqarrijiet għall-Istampa - It-Tnax-il Leġiżlatura (2013 - 2017) 10

Frar, 2017

Closing of the interparliamentary conference on stibaility, economic coordiantion and governance – 01.02.17

llum ġiet fi tmiemha l-Konferenza Interparlamentari dwar l-Istabbiltà, Koordinazzjoni Ekonomika u Go…

Stqarrija għall-Istampa
The Speaker receives President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani – 03.02.17

Yesterday, President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani paid a courtesy visit to Speaker Anġl…

Stqarrija għall-Istampa
The Speaker welcomes proposal by the Malta Unborn Child Movement – 05.02.17

Dalgħodu, Jum il-Ħajja, l-Ispeaker tal-Kamra tad-Deputati, Parlament ta’ Malta Anġlu Farrugia, irċie…

Stqarrija għall-Istampa
The Speaker receives a courtesy visit by the Ambassador of Ukraine – 15.02.17

Speaker of the House of Representatives Anġlu Farrugia has this morning received a courtesy visit by…

Stqarrija għall-Istampa
British High Commissioner meets Speaker of the House of Representatives

British High Commissioner Mr Stuart William Gill paid a courtesy visit to the Speaker of the House o…

Stqarrija għall-Istampa
The Speaker receives a courtesy visit by the Republic of Albania – 17.02.17

The new Ambassador of the Republic of Albania Anila Bitri Lani paid a courtesy visit to Speaker Anġl…

Stqarrija għall-Istampa
Speaker of the House of Representatives receives Ivory Coast Ambassador - 17.02.2017

Speaker of the House of Representatives Anġlu Farrugia received a courtesy visit from the Ambassador…

Stqarrija għall-Istampa
The Speaker opens photographic exhibition by the Malta Sports Journalists Association – 21.02.17

Speaker Anġlu Farrugia presided over the official inauguration of a photographic exhibition organise…

Stqarrija għall-Istampa
The Speaker receives a courtesy visit from the Spanish Ambassador – 23.02.17

Speaker Anġlu Farrugia received a courtesy visit from the Ambassador of Spain José Maria Pons Irazaz…

Stqarrija għall-Istampa
The Speaker of the House of Representatives received a courtesy visit by the members of the Faculty for Social Wellbeing

Speaker Anġlu Farrugia received members of the Faculty of Social Wellbeing led by the Dean of the Fa…

Stqarrija għall-Istampa