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Kumitat Permanenti dwar l-Affarijiet Soċjali
Dokumenti Relatati - It-Tlettax-il Leġiżlatura (2017 - 2022)
1 - Email datata 25 ta’ Lulju 2017 mibgħuta mis-Sur Mario Gerada, Employment Programme Coordinator mal-Jesuit Refugee Service Malta, bi stedina lill-Kumitat Permanenti dwar l-Affarijiet Soċjali għal Breakfast Meeting.
2 - Rapport Annwali 2016 maħruġ mill-Uffiċċju tal-Kummissarju għall- Organizzazzjonijiet Volontarji.
3 - Email datata 7 ta’ Settembru 2017 mibgħuta mis-Sur Carlo Mamo mill- Malta Football Players Association, dwar jekk il-Kumitat huwiex se jkompli jiddiskuti l-iSports Nurseries, liema diskussjoni kienet inbdiet fl-aħħar leġislatura.
4 - Paper datata 15 ta’ Novembru 2017 intitolata “Diskussjoni preliminari dwar il-possibbli leġislazzjoni fuq id-dħul tal-Cremation f’Malta mibgħuta mill-Avukat Hugh Peralta.
5 - Cemetries; Policy and Design Guidance - April 2015
6 - Email datata 30 ta’ Novembru 2017 min-naħa tas-Sindku tal-Marsa, is-Sur Francis Debono, fejn qed jagħmel dikjarazzjoni dwar il-laqgħa li saret nhar l-Erbgħa, 29 ta’ Novembru u li għaliha kien preżenti u għamel l-intervent tiegħu fuq is-suġġett.
7 - Annual Report 2016 “to protect and promote” Office of the Commissioner for Mental Health
8 - Leaflet maħruġ mill-Mental Health Europe intitolata “10 ideat żbaljati dwar is-saħħa mentali li inti tista’ tgħinna nwarrbu!”
9 - Email u ittra datata 5 ta’ Marzu, 2018 mibgħuta lill-Kumitat minn St Jeanne Antide Foundation dwar “It-Tneħħija tal-unika protezzjoni fil-liġijiet ta’ Malta għat-trabi li għadhom ma tweldux”.
10 - Ittra datata 10 ta’ April 2018 mibgħuta mill-Ministru għall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol, l-Onor. Evarist Bartolo bil-lista tal-membri nominati fil-Kunsill għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat.
11 - Rapport annwali dwar il-ħidma tal-Bord tal-Pulizija għas-sena 2017 mibgħut lill-Kumitat mis-Segretarju tal-Bord, is-Sur John Spiteri, fit-2 ta’ Marzu 2018.
12 - Rapport tal-Kunsill għall-Maltin li Jgħixu Barra minn Malta għall-2017 mibgħut mill-iSpeaker tal-Kamra Anġlu Farrugia fil-5 ta’ Marzu 2018.
13 - Ittra datata 24 ta’ April 2018 mibgħuta mis-Segretarju Parlamentari Clifton Grima dwar il-ħatra tal-Kummissarju l-ġdid għas-Settur Volontarju.
14 - Malta Developers Association
15 - FEA - A study of rental rates in Malta 2018
16 - JRS Malta
17 - Annual Report 2017 "Breaking Silos, Building Bridges"
18 - The Good Samaritan Bill - Introducing Immunity for Rescuers
19 - Email from MUMN
20 - Letter of Appointment of the Commissioner for Children
21 - Children and Public Policy in Malta: Achieving meaningful and purposeful participation by the National Institute for Childhood
22 - Information about The President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society
23 - Annual Report 2018 by the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations
24 - Rapport Annwali ta' Ħidma għas-sena 2018 maħruġ mill-Bord Indipendenti għall-Ilmenti dwar il-Pulizija.
25 - Fondazzjoni Nanniet Malta - Rapport lill-Kumitat Permanenti dwar l-Affarijiet Soċjali "Dritt għall-Aċċess tan-Neputijiet"
26 - Powerpoint "Victimisation - 60+years Year 2008-2018" by Prof. Saviour Formosa
27 - Standard Operating Procedures Manual October 2018 Version 1.5 issued by the Officer of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations
28 - Ir-Rapport Annwali tal-Kunsill għall-Maltin li Jgħixu Barra minn Malta minn Jannar sa Diċembru 2018
29 - Powerpoint presentation "Annual Reports 2016-2018" maħruġ mill-Uffiċċju Tal-Kummissarju għat-Tfal.
30 - Annual Report 2018 issues by the Office of the Commissioner for Children
31 - Creating a Better Future for Migrant and Refugee Women in Malta
32 - Creating a “Better Future” for Migrant and Refugee Women in Malta: Competence Handbook
33 - Exploring the Issue of Prostitution through the Gender Lens – Dr Anna Borg A4E – Association for Equality June 2019
34 - LSE Research Online – Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher and Eric Neumayer – Does legalized prostitution increase human trafficking?
35 - The Prevalence of Loneliness in the Maltese Population aged 11+ (A nationally representative study June 2019)
36 - Powerpoint Presentation entitled "Research on Couple Relationships in Malta – National Centre for Family Research.".
37 - Sustaining Relationships – Couples and singles in a changing society; A quantitative study.
38 - Sustaining Relationships – The expectations and lived experiences of couples in Malta; A qualitative study.
39 - Powerpoint presentation entitled "Vuċi għat-Tfal mill-Grupp Vuċi għat-Tfal – 27 ta’ Novembru 2019.".
40 - Ittra datata 5 ta’ Diċembru, 2019 mibgħuta mill-Ministru għall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol dwar l-approvazzjoni tal-membri fil-Kunsill għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat.
41 - Copy of CVs of the nominated members in the Council for the Voluntary Sector.
42 - Annual Report 2018 entitled “Empowering Stakeholders: Building Bridges and Crossing them together” issued by the Office of the Commissioner for Mental Health September 2019.
43 - Letter sent on the 7th February 2020 by the Minister of Education and Employment with regards to the approval of the members in the Council for the Voluntary Sector.
44 - Powerpoint presentation entitled "Reform on Human Trafficking and Prostitution – On behalf of the Coalition for the Joint Submission to Government Public Consultation Process.".
45 - Executive Summary entitled “Reform on Human Trafficking and Prostitution – October 2019”.
46 - Powerpoint presentation entitled "Reform on Human Trafficking and Prostitution – Aditus Foundation & Integra Foundation.".
47 - Enabling Wellbeing of Vulnerable Women – Annual Report 2018 Dar Hosea
48 - Copy of Report entitled "Rapport tal-Kunsill għall-Maltin li Jgħixu Barra minn Malta għall-2019.".
49 - Copy of petition made by the Fondazzjoni Nanniet Malta where they are asking the Government to recognise their rights to see their grandchildren.
50 - Powerpoint presentation entitled "The New Zealand Model – From Ideology to Reality".
51 - Explanation on the Nordic Model on Prostitution.
52 - Email dated 11th May 2020 from Mrs Abigail Mamo, CEO of the Malta Chamber of SMEs and the joint submission from the operators of gentlemen’s clubs.
53 - Powerpoint presentation entitled "Prostitution from a gendered lens.".
54 - Powerpoint presentation entitled "Commodification of bodies.".
55 - Rapport Annwali ta’ Ħidma għas-sena 2019 - Bord Indipendenti għall-Ilmenti dwar il-Pulizija
56 - Powerpoint presentation entitled: “SCSA Annual Report 2019 – Strategic Vision 2020 – Covid19 Measures.”
57 - Annual Report 2019 – Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations.
58 - Annual Report 2019 – 30th Anniversary UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – Office of the Commissioner for Children.
59 - Letter from Mr Joe Gerada dated 2nd October 2020
60 - Letter from Dr Lara Said dated 6th October 2020.
61 - Annual Report (Parole Board) 2019
62 - L-aħħar żviluppi ta’ parental alienation f’Malta u proposti għal diskussjoni dwar tibdil fil-liġi u titjib fil-proċedura tal-Qorti tal-Familja;
63 - Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children)
64 - Proposta mingħand l-Onor. Giulio Centemero, Membru Parlamentari Taljan u Membru fl-International Parliamentery Network for Education;
65 - Strategic Review on the Adequacy, Sustainability, and Solidarity of the Pension System as Mandated by the Article 64B of the Social Security Act – 2020 Pensions Strategic Review Document for Public Consultation;
66 - Powerpoint presentation intitolata APA;
67 - Ittra datata 3 ta’ Marzu, 2021 mingħand The Malta Community Chest Fund.
68 - Enabling Survival – Request for the inclusion of Daratumumab as part of the formulary for free medicinals.
69 - Presentation to Social and Family Affairs Committees on Drugs Policy
70 - Caritas Malta;
71 - Faculty for Social Wellbeing – Research Project Work Plan (Draft)
72 - Email datata t-Tnejn, 26 ta’ April 202i mingħand is-Sur Alfred Grixti, CEO tal-FSWS;
73 - OASI Foundation – 30 years of Service 1991-2021;
74 - Richmond Foundation;
75 - ME, CFS & Fibroymalgia Alliance Malta;
76 - PQ 054 magħmula mill-Onor. David Agius u indirizzata lill-Ispeaker bit-titolu “Università ta’ Malta – Studju u/jew riċerka għal kumitati permanenti”.
77 - Mental Health and Use of Substances;
78 - Position Statement in response to the White Paper issued by the Government of Malta, March 2021 entitled: “Towards the Strengthening of the Legal Framework on the responsible use of Cannabis";
79 - European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies;
80 - ReLeaf – Legalise, Educate, Regulate;
81 - ReLeaf Malta’s Contribution to the consultative process launched by the Government of Malta on the White Paper “Towards the Strenghtening of the Legal Framework on the Responsible Use of Cannabis”;
82 - ICEERS’ contribution to the open consultation launched by the Government of Malta on the White Paper “Towards the Strenghtening of the Legal Framework on the Responsible Use of Cannabis”;
83 - Drug Policy & Human Rights: The Cannabis Social Clubs model in Spain;
84 - Safety of Cannabis Regulation: Regulatory changes and their impact on public health and safety;
85 - MAM Position Paper on Recreational Cannabis;
86 - Cannabis: Risks and Benefits;
87 - The National Coordinating Unit for Drugs and Alcohol (NCUDA);
88 - National Report on The Drug Situation in Malta – 2020;
89 - Key Issues – The Drug Situation in Malta - 2020;
90 - Dok 90 National Substance Abuse Policy;
91 - The White Paper on Cannabis – Employers’ Concerns;
92 - Lejn it-Tisħiħ tal-Qafas Legali għall-Użu Responsabbli tal-Kannabis – Appell mill-Imsieħba Soċjali;
93 - Solitary Confinement in Malta: A call for Reform;
94 - Solitary Confinement in Malta: A Call for Reform – May 2021;
95 - Annual Report 2019 “Combatting Stigma and Discrimination: Empowering stakeholders and tackling challenges together” – Office of the Commissioner for Mental Health;
96 - Kopja tar-Riżoluzzjoni li ġiet approvata fil-Laqgħa Ġenerali tal-Għaqda Nazzjonali tal-Pensjonanti, mibgħuta mis-Sur Joseph M. Azzopardi, Segretarju Ġenerali, datata 18 ta’ Marzu 2021;
97 - Vuċi għat-Tfal u Żgħażagħ - Malta;
98 - Ittra mingħand il-Ministru għall-Inklużjoni u l-Kwalità tal-Ħajja, l-Onor. Julia Farrugia Portelli, datata 2 ta’ Lulju 2021 kif ukoll nota bijografika relattiva għas-Sur Saliba;
99 - Rapport dwar l-Abbuż fuq l-Anzjani mill-Kumitat Permanenti dwar l-Affarijiet Soċjali – Diċembru 2019;
100 - Rapport dwar l-Abbuż minn Minuri fuq Adulti mill-Kumitat Permanenti dwar l-Affarijiet tal-Familja – Lulju 2019;
101 - Kopja tar-Rapport tal-Kunsill għall-Maltin li Jgħixu Barra minn Malta għall-2020;
102 - From Rights to Reality – An Interim Report (2018-2020) on the Implementation of the National Children’s Policy;
103 - Powerpoint presentation intitolata Annual Report 2020 – 20th October 2021;
104 - Annual Report 2020 – Office of the Commissioner for Children;
105 - Europass Curriculum Vitae – Antoinette Vassallo;